Comprehensive Deep Cleaning Checklist for a Stress-Free Summer

April 22, 2024
Summer brings sunshine, outdoor adventures, and, often, a bit of chaos to our homes. As we open our doors to the warm weather, we also invite in dust, pollen, and the need for a thorough clean-up to create a fresh, inviting space.

Our team at Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services has curated a comprehensive deep cleaning checklist to ensure your home shines brightly this summer, offering you a stress-free season to enjoy.

1. Welcome the Outdoors, Minus the Dirt

Embrace the warm weather by preparing the outside of your home for yard games and patio time as the sun sets. A tidy backyard will allow you to enjoy the summer breeze and relax.

Patio & Outdoor Furniture: Begin by wiping down your outdoor furniture. Use a mild soap solution for plastics and metals, and consider a wood cleaner for wooden pieces. Don’t forget to wash cushions and umbrellas.

Windows & Screens: Clean the inside and outside of all windows. Remove screens to wash them with soap and water, clearing away any pollen or dust.

Grill & BBQ Area: Thoroughly clean your grill. For charcoal grills, empty old ashes and scrub the grate. Gas grills may require a deep clean of the burners and grates.

Pool Area: If applicable, organize pool toys and accessories. Check and clean any outdoor shower areas or foot baths.

2. Focus on High-Traffic Areas

Friends come in and out during summer playtime, and your pets are dirtier than normal during the warmer seasons. So, what can you do to get your high-traffic areas ready for this increase in use?

Doormats: Beat out or vacuum all doormats. These are the first line of defense against tracking dirt inside.

Floors: Give all floors a deep clean. Pay special attention to entryways and high-traffic corridors.

3. Refresh the Air

Open up your windows and air out your home during the morning and evening in the summer. Your home can get stale in the winter, and this fresh air is a welcome change. When you are ready to turn on the A/C, make sure the air is clean.

Air Filters & Vents: Replace or clean your HVAC air filters. Vacuum out air vents to improve air quality and efficiency.

Fans & Air Conditioners: Dust ceiling fan blades and clean or replace filters in your air conditioning units.

4. Deep Clean Room by Room

Now, it’s time to tackle each room. Checking off one room at a time will give you the momentum to keep going. You will feel accomplished as the to-do list shrinks.

Kitchen: Clean behind and beneath appliances. Empty and scrub down the refrigerator, paying attention to drawers and shelves.

Bathrooms: Deep clean showers, tubs, and sinks. Pay attention to grout, shower curtains, and any mold-prone areas.

Living Areas & Bedrooms: Move furniture to vacuum and clean underneath. Consider professional cleaning for upholstered furniture and deep-clean mattresses by vacuuming and rotating.

5. Declutter and Organize

If you do not regularly declutter, the mess can feel overwhelming. You are more likely to relax and enjoy your summer knowing that your home is organized and tidy.

Closets: Switch out seasonal clothing, donating items you no longer wear. Organize storage areas to make everything easily accessible.

Garage & Shed: Organize tools, lawn care items, and summer toys. Store hazardous materials safely out of reach of children and pets.

6. Special Attention to Allergen Reduction

Summer allergens can throw a wrench in your carefree summer plans. Protect against allergens by taking necessary precautions.

Textiles: Wash curtains, rugs, and any removable upholstery covers. These can harbor allergens like pollen and dust mites.

Humidity Control: Check dehumidifiers are working correctly in areas prone to moisture, like basements, to prevent mold growth.

Call the Experts

Following this checklist can turn the daunting task of summer cleaning into an organized, fast-tracked process. Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services is here to assist with any part of your summer deep cleaning needs, from tackling specific areas to managing the entire process for you. Enjoy a spotless home and a stress-free summer with our expert help.

Let Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services take the work off your hands so you can kick back, relax, and soak up every bit of joy this summer has to offer. Contact us today to schedule your deep cleaning session and embrace a cleaner, happier home this season.


No Time for Spring Cleaning? Hire the Experts to Take Care of It

March 26, 2024

Springtime is synonymous with renewal and refreshment, not just for nature but also for our homes. However, finding the time for a comprehensive spring cleaning can be challenging in the bustling pace of Los Angeles life.

This is where the expertise of the best cleaning company in Los Angeles, Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services, comes into play, ensuring your home is immaculately cleaned without you having to lift a finger.

Here are some things to look for when choosing the best cleaning company in Los Angeles:

The Family Touch

We understand that your home is your sanctuary. By choosing a professional cleaning team with dedication and passion for impeccable cleaning services, you can know that your home is in good hands.

Family-owned businesses pay special attention to the details and cherish the personal connection with clients, striving not just for cleanliness but for the satisfaction and happiness of every homeowner. A small business will always bring the personal touch and client connection that you seek.

Expertise That Shines Through

It is important to choose a cleaning company with a commitment to quality and a rigorous approach to expertise. Cleaning technicians should undergo extensive training, focusing on cleaning techniques, the correct use of supplies, and safety protocols.

The owner should ensure that each member is trained on the field, guaranteeing that the team is well-versed in the wide range of services offered. This meticulous attention to detail means that whether it’s a standard tidy-up, a deep clean, or a custom job, the team is equipped to handle your needs with excellence.

Services Tailored to You

Understanding that every home and homeowner’s needs are unique, find the best residential house cleaning service in Beverly Hills and throughout Los Angeles that offers a variety of cleaning services to fit every requirement and budget.

Standard Cleaning: Perfect for regular maintenance to keep your home sparkling. Standard cleanings can be scheduled weekly or bi-weekly at your convenience.

Deep Cleaning: An intensive cleaning for when your home needs extra attention. Whether you are hosting an event or visitors in your home, a deep clean is always necessary to refresh your home.

Custom Cleaning: Tailored specifically to your cleaning needs and preferences. If you would like help cleaning up after a party or redecorate and need a thorough cleaning for your big reveal, professional services are available.

Flexibility for Your Busy Life

We understand that life in Los Angeles is fast-paced, which is why you should choose a company that offers flexible scheduling options. Whether you need cleaning services weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, the best residential cleaning service in Los Angeles can accommodate to your schedule, ensuring that your home cleaning needs are met with as little disruption to your daily life as possible.

Why Choose Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services?

Choosing Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services means entrusting your home to one of Los Angeles’s most experienced and top cleaning companies that combines the personal touch of a family-owned business with the professional expertise of a leading cleaning service provider. Deisy Flores and her team are not just cleaners; they are caretakers of your peace of mind, ensuring that every corner of your home reflects the freshness and vibrancy of spring.

Moreover, we recognize that special occasions require your home to be in tip-top shape, which is why we also offer Special Occasion Cleanings, One-Time Cleanings, and Move-in/Move-out Cleanings. These services are available not just to our regular customers but also to their referrals, extending the Casa Fantastic quality assurance to a broader community.

The Casa Fantastic Touch

At Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services, we specialize in transforming homes into a cozy escape. Our thorough cleaning methods, attention to detail, and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the perfect partner for your home cleaning and maintenance.

Let us take care of the cleaning so you can relax and enjoy your warm, inviting home this spring.

For further information and/or to schedule an appointment please contact Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services at 424.222.2955 to find out why we’re the best cleaning company in Los Angeles or visit to learn more.

winter cleaning, holiday cleaning

Embrace the Warmth of Cleanliness

February 22, 2024

The foundation of a cozy home in winter is cleanliness. A clean space not only looks inviting but also feels warm and comfortable. During winter, dust and allergens can accumulate more rapidly, especially with closed windows and continuous heating. Regular deep cleaning from one of the best cleaning services in Los Angeles ensures that your living space remains a healthful, welcoming haven.

1. Deep Carpet Cleaning: Carpets can harbor allergens, dust, and dirt. A thorough professional cleaning not only rejuvenates your carpets but also enhances the overall air quality of your home.

2. Upholstery Cleaning: Sofas and armchairs, the epicenters of comfort, often accumulate dust and odors. Professional upholstery cleaning ensures that they remain fresh and inviting.

3. Fireplace and Chimney Cleaning: If you have a fireplace, regular cleaning is crucial for both coziness and safety. A clean fireplace adds warmth and charm, while a clean chimney ensures safe operation.


Clutter can make even the warmest of spaces feel cramped and stressful. Simplifying your space can significantly enhance the coziness of your home.

1. Seasonal Storage: Store away items that are not in use during the winter months, such as summer clothing and outdoor gear.

2. Organized Spaces: Use baskets and decorative storage boxes to keep everyday items tidy. An organized space contributes to a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere.

3. Minimalist Decor: Embrace a minimalist approach to decoration. Fewer items in a room can make the space feel more open, peaceful, and easier to clean.

Setting the Winter Mood

The ambiance of a room plays a significant role in creating a cozy atmosphere. Small changes can make a significant impact.

For example, swap bright, white lights for softer, warmer bulbs to create a soothing environment. Adding fairy lights or candles can also enhance the warmth of a room.

Incorporate plush throw blankets, pillows, and area rugs. These textiles add warmth underfoot and comfort for snuggling on the couch.

In addition, scents like cinnamon, vanilla, or pine can evoke a sense of warmth and comfort, making your home feel more inviting.

Maintaining a Cozy Kitchen

The kitchen is often the heart of the home, more so in winter, when warm meals are a comfort.

1. Regular Cleaning: Keep your kitchen spotless and organized. A clean kitchen invites you to cook and enjoy warm, homemade meals.

2. Pantry Organization: Organize your pantry with winter essentials like hot cocoa, teas, and baking ingredients for those cozy nights in.

3. Clean Appliances: Ensure your oven, microwave, and other appliances are clean and ready for winter cooking and baking.

Inviting Bedrooms

An inviting bedroom is key to a comfortable winter home.

The first thing you want to do is switch to heavier, warmer bedding. Flannel sheets and down comforters can make your bed a cozy retreat.

Keep your bedroom tidy and free of dust. Regular cleaning and decluttering contribute to a serene sleeping environment.

Organize your closet to make winter clothing easily accessible. A well-organized wardrobe simplifies getting dressed on cold mornings.

The Casa Fantastic Touch

At Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services, we specialize in transforming homes into a cozy escape. Our thorough cleaning methods, attention to detail, and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the perfect partner for your home cleaning and maintenance.

Let us take care of the cleaning so you can relax and enjoy your warm, inviting home this winter.

For further information and/or to schedule an appointment please contact Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services at 424.222.2955 to find out why we’re the best cleaning service in Beverly Hills and the greater Los Angeles area or visit to learn more.

bathroom cleaning, grout cleaning, porcelain cleaning

Tile and Grout

April 20,2022

Deep cleaning any area of your home is extremely important one area that gets over looked is grout cleaning. Commercial Cleaners at times may have difficulty lifting some of the dirt that has been sitting in the grout for quite some time.

My personal favorite mixture to deep clean my gout is a homemade recipe of baking soda and vinegar. I start off by putting baking soda on the grout assuring it covers all the area. Then proceed to with a spray bottle of vinegar spraying the baking soda. Finally with a grout scrub which is a skinny vertical brush scrub the vinegar and baking soda. The amount of dirt that will lift, depending on the condition of your grout, is astounding. You may need to repeat these steps a few time depending on how upkeep your grout.

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., and we’ll be more than happy to help ensure that no unwanted build up occurs in your Los Angeles home.

If you’d like further details about our recurring services or any of our other services please do not hesitate to give us a call at 424.222.2955

closet cleaning, drawer cleaning, glass cleaning,


March 23,2022

Decluttering your home this Spring can have several benefits. The biggest benefit is maintaining your families health, decluttering can prevent unwanted animal critters, reduce dust, mold, and mildew. All off these may trigger asthma and allergies.

Besides physical health reasons this also helps with mental health. How you may ask? There are studies that prove that cluttering causes stress. Having an excessive amount of items to keep organized can become overwhelming.

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., and we’ll be more than happy to help ensure that this Spring your Los Angeles home is decluttered and clean.

If you’d like further details about our recurring services or any of our other services please do not hesitate to give us a call at 424.222.2955

kitchen cleaning, marble cleaning, chandelier cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning can be a difficult task but we have your back! 

March 9, 2022

Coming into allergy season, spring cleaning is important for everyone. A deep clean is for so much more than just esthetics it is a way to help you family stay healthy. Enjoying a healthy and clean home just got easier with our Fantastic cleaning service. Our customer's experience and health is very important to us. 

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., and we’ll be more than happy to help ensure that this Spring your Los Angeles home is clean and healthy.

If you’d like further details about our recurring services or any of our other services please do not hesitate to give us a call at 424.222.2955


Poison Prevention Awareness Month

Knowledge is key!

March 2, 2022

Death by accidental poisoning is a lot more common than we would hope. Casa Fantastic wants to do our part in raising awareness in hopes to prevent these accidents. Research stated that 87 people die from accidental poisoning a day, the majority of these victims are unfortunately children. 

Our best recommendations are to be aware, learn what items in your household are potentially toxic items. Everything from medicines to charcoal lighter and insect sprays can have dangerous effects when not handled appropriately. 

It is so easy for us to forget the potential harm products can cause while cleaning around children. The best way to protect your children is to also educate them on poison safety. Also, child-locking cabinets that have chemicals and medicines.

It is not only our children we need to look after and protect but our pets/furbabies as well.It is important to be aware of poisoning symptoms to look for. Breathing irregularities and sickness, diarrhea, agitation, and heart issues.

 Animal Poison Control at (888) 426-4435 Poison Control Centers at (800) 222-1222

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., if you’d like details about any of our services please do not hesitate to give us a call at 424.222.2955


Glass Shower Doors

Sparkly clean shower glass!

February 25, 2022

There is nothing more satisfying like clean glass shower doors. The issue is when they are not taken care of properly. It is so easy for soap scum to build up and hard water spots to stick. Once these build ups begin cleaning glass doors is not as easy as spray glass cleaners and wiping it with a paper towel. Fortunately a good deep clean will revive that sparkle!!

My personal favorite and go-to method to deep clean my glass doors is not a store bought product but an inexpensive homemade mix.

I start by mixing 1:1 ratio of white vinegar and dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. Then, continue by wetting the shower doors and spray the mixture evenly across the glass. Let this sit for 20-30 minutes. While waiting I remove the door track and clean it with the same mixture. Once the mixture has sit on the glass I rinse it off with water and dry with a microfiber cloth. Depending on the condition and amount of build up on the glass you may need to repeat this a few times.

After this deep clean it is very simple to keep your glass doors sparkling clean. My biggest tip to you is to dry the glass before water dries on its own.

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., and we’ll be more than happy to assist you in deep cleanings like this one and others similar.

If you’d like further details about our recurring services or any of our other services please do not hesitate to give us a call at 424.222.2955


Deep Cleaning

Cleanness & Health

February 15, 2022

Bacteria and Germs in your home can create all sorts of issues. Cleaning every detail of your home can help you get rid of those nasty dust allergens, mold or any unpleasant smells around the house. Due to Covid we definitely want to keep any bacteria, or disease away.

Keeping your home clean is more than just for looks, it is also about keeping it healthy for you and your family. My team members along with myself have a Task List for cleaning services. These are services that should be done weekly, biweekly, and monthly in order to maintain germs to a minimum in your home.

Our customer's experience and health is very important to us. Our goal is to have every service meet your residencies needs and keep you and your Family healthy.

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., and we’ll be more than happy to help ensure your home is clean and healthy. Please do not hesitate to give us a call at 424.222.2955


Recurring & Customizable Services

Unique Service Everytime

February 8, 2022

We are offering a range of weekly to monthly recurring services. My team members along with myself have put together a Task List for cleaning services that helps customize the tasks you would like to be completed during your service. 

Our customer's experience is very important to us. Providing a unique experience to meet your residencies needs is also such a nice way to keep service costs in the budget range.

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., and we’ll be more than happy to help ensure your home is clean and healthy.

If you’d like further details about our recurring services or any of our other services please do not hesitate to give us a call at 323.308.7068



Teams of 1 and Teams of 2

December 15, 2021

Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services knows every home has different needs. Every home is a different size, different task, and has different styles, we are currently offering teams of 1 & teams of 2 as options for cleaning services.

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., and we’ll be more than happy to help ensure your home is clean and healthy.

If you’d like further details contact us today and ask which team would best suit your home & your budget! Please do not hesitate to give us a call at 323.308.7068


COVID-19 Deep Cleaning Service

Home and Commercial

April 22, 2020

We are offering a highly requested Deep Cleaning Service amid the COVID-19 outbreak. My team members along with myself have put together a Sanitation/ Disinfecting Package in the form of a hospital grade level cleaning that helps prevent the spread of bacterias that could be living among the surfaces that you, your tenants, and colleagues may come in contact with everyday. 

Our team members are trained to sanitize and disinfect with Hospital Grade Cleaning Solution and are fully uniformed with protective gear and equipment that is being monitored to be disinfected after every assigned project.

The safety of our customers and team members is very important to us. This is why we are taking the number standard protocols to implement all mandatory safety.

Reach out to Casa Fantastic Cleaning Services INC., and we’ll be more than happy to help ensure your home is clean and healthy.

If you’d like further details about our sanitation package or any of our other services please do not hesitate to give us a call at 323.308.7068